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By eliminating air pollutants, lowering stress levels, and increasing physical activity, trees support health and social well-being. Trees can be grown at any time of the year, t he message is that we should continue to grow more and more trees.

Why More Trees

Because trees emit oxygen into the air and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, we need to plant more trees. Trees provide homes for birds and insects as well as clean the air we breathe and filter the water we drink. Increased tree planting promotes healthy soils and humidity levels. The water cycle is regulated by trees. More than a billion people have jobs because to the forest.

Our Mission

Our objective is to plant enough trees to create a world that is wholesome, beautiful, and clean. By using plants to ignite a real ecological revolution, we hope to leave upcoming generations with a clean, green world.

Plant With Your Name

You can cure this earth

Giving your plant a name makes it clear that you intend to keep it around for the long run. You'll give your new plant a location where it may grow, water it as needed, and repot it as it gets bigger.

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Dedicate To Loved Ones

Your step does matter

Families are honouring their loved one through celebrations of life events in an increasing number of cases. A great way to remember and build a lasting monument for friends and family is to plant a tree in their honour.

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Planting Tree


Planting Tree


Planting Tree

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Trees are Gift of Environment

Trees are our protectors that guard us in every situation. Most treesa re cutting now a days. Let's recorrect the environment by palnting more and more trees.

Plantation is Best for Mother Nature

As mother nature provide us many suitable things on time and never get back, so it is our responsibility to gift our nature by plating trees, by which our earth will be better place to live.

Let's Connect to Serve Better

In toda's situation this is our duty to serve better to save our nature and enviornment. To make it possible everyone has to come together and make changes for the betterment of the nature. So Let's Connect!

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Manovriksha Campaign

Planted 100 Neem Trees at Sirol Pahadi Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, witnesses by ADM sir


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